Friday, June 11, 2010

Mao's Last Dancer

Mao's Last Dancer is a FANTASTIC movie what was first screened in Canada during last years TIFF.  It is now currently showing in a limited release at a few select theater's around the city and country.  After seeing it, I would highly recommend seeing it if you get a chance.   The whole movie is a heart lifting look into the life of a boy/man who goes from the depths of poverty to critical acclaim on the ballet circuit.  It show's perseverance through adversity and the love and support of friends/family through thick and thin.  Based on the the autobiography of Li Cunxin, the storyline has a depth and background that you don't normally get from completely made up stories.    It was great to see Kyle Maclachlan and Joan Chen in the movie but there were many great performances by the less known actors as well.  The small boy that they got to play the young Li was especially inspiring. The cinematography was decent, although I would have liked to have seen more scene's set in China.  On the whole, its too bad that this movie is not being given a full release.   I think alot of people would be surprised how well they liked it if they got a chance to see it.  (5.0/6.0)

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