Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The A-Team

For those of you that remember the action packed TV Series staring Mr. T, George Peppard, Dwight Schultz and Dirk Bennedict, you will find this movie to be EVERYTHING you remember and more.  Even those of you who never grew up with the A-Team will find this to be an entertaining summer movie.. filled with great action sequences and roller coaster plot twists.  The A-Team definitely is what it is.. a movie based on an old T.V. series.. but that being said, it is about the best example I have seen of this.   WAY better than Charlie's Angels and for sure better than the abysmal Dukes Of Hazard.  The choice of using Liam Neeson as Hannible Smith was at first (in my mind) a bit weird... but he does a credible job portraying the Colonel who loves it when a plan comes together.   If any of you have seen District 9 you will recognize the actor who played Wikis as Howling Mad Murdock.  Once again he also does a great job in his part.   The actors protraying B.A. Baracus and the Face man Peck also do a good job.   The action sequences and cinematography are decent if not memorable.  The story line is a bit outlandish but so was the original series.   Could go either way on this one for watching at the theater.   I think it will be equally entertaining at either the big screen.. or in front of your T.V.  when it comes to DVD.  (4.0/6.0)

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