Friday, November 20, 2009

... And The Winners Are!!!

Finally at the end of the day after much deliberation it was time to announce the winners of the Widget Hack-a-thon.  Christopher Smith and Tim Neil were present to give out the hardware and gift certificate prizes to the top 3 teams.   3rd place went to the "Ham or Spam" team pictured above for there Email Triage Widget. The team consisted of; Bryan Lahartinger, Severn Tsui, and Rob Currie.

Second place went to the "Widgets R Us" team for there BlackBerry Search application.  And for those who didn't see it, the animations on their widget were fantastic.  :-)  

Finally, last but not least.  First place went to the "Device Application Platform" team for their Wiki Notepad widget.  This little widget allowed its user to add markup to a regular notepad entry to enhance it with colour, emoticons, pictures, fonts, etc.  Making for a richer visual experience for a regular notepad entry. They took home $150 of gift certificates and title of "Widget Gurus"  The "Device Application Team" consisted of; Alex Pedwyocki, David Han, and Tomasz Buczek.

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