Saturday, November 14, 2009


On the whole not a bad action movie.   It definitely kept me entertained throughout.  Which is saying alot as the movie was extremely long, coming in at 2.5 hours.   I do have a couple of nitpicks though.  The length being one of them.   Normally I don't mind long movies, as long as all the scenes in the movie make logical sense and aid in the story.   In this case, I felt that there was a few scenes that could have been removed and have the movie be better for it.   I think the director probably kept them to add to the visual entertainment.. but in my opinion they were distracting.

As a Christian I also didn't appreciate the implication that God wasn't a part of the plan.   It was implied in the end that God didn't exist and that humanity and humanity only was able to save itself from extinction.   The distruction of a church as a bunch of people prayed and died drove that point home.   I know, you are going to say..  what do you expect from a end of the world movie and honestly I don't know... just maybe to leave it open.

Anyways, it was a good movie, well worth the ticket price.

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