Saturday, October 17, 2009

Law Abiding Citizen

This movie kind of snuck up on me. I didn't even hear about it till a couple of weeks ago as there wasn't much publicity surrounding it. For that reason, I wasn't expecting much when I went in. It's normally not a good sign when the studio's don't push a movie. In this case I was pleasantly surprised. The movie turned out to be AMAZINGLY well written and executed. Both Gerard Butler and Jamie Fox played their parts to a T. Gerard Butler playing the barely constrained father looking for Justice. Jamie Fox playing, at first. the arrogant up and coming Public Attorney looking for glory and then later a more humble D.A. The weakest part of the movie I think was the ending. Not to to give anything away, but I thought they could have ended it in a more satisfying way. It will be interesting to see how it does at the box office. For a movie with little fan fare the theater was packed. Sold out.

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